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My name is Magda. I am an Intimacy Expert, Tantra Teacher & Conscious Relating Coach.

I'm here to help you break free from limiting beliefs and painful past stories around love and to create an intimate life you've always dreamt of.

Let's get intimate..

Sign up here for "intimate letters"

Your weekly Reminder that you deserve all the love and passion you desire

The Quality of Your
Intimate Life Depends on YOU

You can have a relationship of your dreams. You can have both intimate love and fierce passion. You can enjoy maximum pleasure and reach sexual fulfillment. 

If you choose to. 

Just like in any other area of your life, if you want to have an extraordinary intimate life, you can learn new skills and develop mastery. And this is what I'm here for. Think of me as your personal trainer for your intimate life - I will teach you everything you need to know and will initiate you to Tantric practices so you can enjoy the best quality of your love and sex life.


I help men

 - reconnect with their primal masculine energy

- step up as a King, take leadership of their life and their relationship

- overcome PE and ED

- understand women (their mind & body) so they can keep their woman happy and in return enjoy great sex life & relationship

- master ejaculation control & reach full body orgasms

- heal mother-son dynamic so they can experience harmonious and mutually-beneficial relationships with women 

I help Women

 - reconnect to their feminine essence

- get out of the head and come back to the body

- become orgasmic (and multi-orgasmic!)

- heal sexual trauma, release shame and find confidence in their sexuality

- surrender more to life and their partner

- stop attracting immature and unavailable men

- heal their relationship with men (including father and ex partners)

- feel more aroused, sensual and experience more pleasure in life  

I help couples

 - strengthen their bond and solidify their union

- reignite the spark & bring back passion

- move through conflict and resentment built over the years

- navigate separation or divorce

- drop deeper witch each other, explore sacred sexuality & tantra

- increase polarity between partners

- heal co-dependency, childhood wounds and get out of the child-parent dynamic between you and your partner

- step up into a power couple and truly embody the Queen-King dynamic   

don't know where to start?

Book a free consultation to talk to me and see what is best for you OR email us with your questions at info@magdakay.com


Now available:

no more faking it

A woman’s guide to getting the love, pleasure and fulfillment she deeply desires

My first book is officially out and ready to order! It’s for every woman desiring to be fully met in love, in the bedroom and in life.

A bit about me

I used to be disconnected from life, and from myself. I used to party and drink a lot - a great way to numb deep pain and dissatisfaction. Until it all came down crushing when at 25 I got bad test results and I thought I was going to die. By that time I had never been in love, had never been in a real relationship and had never had an orgasm. The life I was living was not the life I wanted. And so I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I spent the next decade in the jungles of Bali, Malaysia, Thailand and India, learning about energy work, Tantra and sacred sexuality. Not only did I finally experience my first orgasm (and it just so happened to be a full-body energy orgasm!), I also gained deep self-love, confidence and true happiness.

My work is my way to give back what I've learnt. I guide my clients back into their bodies and into their hearts, so they can experience life on a much deeper level. I help you open up for more love, affection, pleasure and connection. I bring back intimacy to your life. Not only will you experience better a romantic relationship, not only will you get the best sex of your life - you will experience a true state of fulfilment, oneness and purpose.

Are you ready to experience a deeply fulfilling intimate life?

Your daily inspiration and insights.

Get access to tips and my private life that I don't share anywhere else.

Even if the modern society has confused them for far too long… sensuality and sexuality are NOT the same.We have deemed sensuality as ‘inappropriate’. As a result, many of us are dangerously STARVED of physical touch.
As social creatures, TOUCH is critical to our well-being. Oxytocin, the ‘love hormone’ activates the bonding process between two humans and is released through closeness and touch.
Many studies have demonstrated the dangers of the lack of touch to a child’s emotional and social development. As adults, intimate, non-sexual relationships with others are still just as important for our mental and physical health.

Touch has been shown to boost immunity, help with focus and learning, deepen compassion and empathy, reduce pain, anxiety and depression and even lower blood pressure. The benefits are endless. And yet, we are now facing a pandemic of ‘touch starvation’.
We all know it’s possible to have sex without sensuality, and equally it’s also possible to have a sensual experience in a non-sexual dynamic. 
You can be sensual with your friends, family, or even a stranger for whom you have no sexual desire at all.
Re-learning how to surrender to sensuality and open your body to give and receive physical touch is a beautiful and healing process. You are a sensual being- embrace it! 

Hug your friends, caress and cuddle your loved ones. 

Sensuality is a language that can speak more than words to the people we love.
Incorporating more sensuality into your sexual relationships will reignite passion, and by consciously opening your heart to your partner, you will deepen your connection on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
My love: how can you open your heart more? How can you invite more of sensuality into all aspects of your life?
Self-love is about HOW we treat ourselves.This is how human psyche works:

If we disrespect ourselves, we conclude we are someone who can be disrespected. 

If we do respect ourself, if we validate and prioritize ourselves, then we must be truly special! 

So PRACTICE self-loving acts, and it will rewire how you feel about yourself. 

The better you treat yourself, the more you will fall in love with yourself. 

And the more you love yourself, the better you will treat yourself. 

It's a beautiful UPward spiral! 

I am often asked by clients about my policy on client confidentiality. Due to the intimate nature of my work, privacy is one of the foundational pillars of my practice. I never share details of any of my clients with anyone. I strictly do not disclose who I work with, or what we discuss; our work is completely confidential.For my sessions to be effective, I create a safe and secure container for my clients, a space where they feel completely comfortable and free to dig deep and open up for transformational change to occur. 

Trust in me as a facilitator is imperative to creating this, which is why I hold the privacy and safety of my clients as my utmost priority.

Whether you have been working with me for a while, or even just reaching out for a discovery call, you can rest assured that your contact with me will not be shared with anyone. 

If we are working together with your partner, details of our private 1:1 sessions will remain between us. 

It’s not uncommon for me to work with people I know or who have mutual friends, even in these instances I will never share that we have worked together; It’s all 100% confidential!


Want to begin your journey with me? Apply for a free consultation: www.MagdaKay.com/apply

(Link in bio)
If you’re researching, investing and experimenting with various techniques and ideas to improve your intimate life - I’m rooting for you.I know how hard it is to admit we need to work on something. How hard it is to be honest with ourselves about our own shortcoming.

No matter your past wounds, no matter your old romantic stories, you have decided to improve your love & sex life.

And I am your biggest cheerleader.

This work WILL change your life.

And it will change the life of your partner, your children and your close friends.

Truth is, we all struggle with intimacy. But most people don’t have enough courage, understanding, guidance or motivation to do what you have decided to do for your intimate life.

People like you are changing the narrative around sexuality.
Removing the taboo.

Normalizing conversations about sex, love and intimacy.
And showing that it is worth it to invest, because the hard work does pay off.


Every step you take in direction of healing own relationship with sex, to be a better partner, to find more pleasure in your life - all of it has a ripple effect.
And for that, I’m rooting for you. I believe in your. And I congratulate you.

High five you awesome human being!

Want to work together? Let's talk more.
Apply for a free 1-hour consultation with me. NO HARD SELLING, I hate that stuff.


(Link also in bio)

📷 themarvinchronicles
On a path of claiming his kingdom, a boy becomes a man.He becomes aware of his priorities and he focuses his energy on what matters.
He no longer gives into distractions.

Including the sxual cravings that want to pull his energy away from his core.

Developing mastery over his sxuality makes a man focused. And a focused man is a powerful man.

He demands respect. 
From other men. 
From his family. 
From his woman.
He feels fulfilled. Accomplished. Needed. And useful.

If you feel called to embrace the call to step fully into your masculine power, you will highly benefit from my online course, Sxual Mastery.

Until tomorrow we have a special promo available:

▶Get a FREE BONUS: “Find Your Sxuality Type”
▶And $100 off

See the link in bio to learn more & join
“I wish I knew that when I was in my 20s” - is what my partner told me after one of the best love-making sessions we’ve had.“Why did I not know about it before?” - said my dear friend, who at 40 started feeling more and more tired after sex.

I cannot count how many men shared with me what a life-changing experience it’s been for them to learn how to master their sexual energy.

I’ve had clients overcome PE.

Others who recovered their health and now look better than they did 10 years ago.
I’ve worked with countless couples whose sex life turned from good to “omg- I-can’t-believe-this-is-even-possible”.

When you become so deeply familiar with your own body and with your orgasm, you will experience a new, heightened sense of drive in life. 

This isn’t just about non-ejaculating. It is about being in the driver’s seat of your sexuality. The quality of your intimate life, of your relationship and how you show up in life as a man - you will be in control of it all.

Sexual Mastery is my best-selling program for men and is now OPEN for a SPECIAL SALE.

UNTIL SUNDAY, you can get LIFETIME ACCESS to 6 x 1- hour videos teaching you multiple mental, physical and breath techniques. 

At the end of this program you will know how to: feel your sexual energy, move it through the body, control your ejacuIation and experience full body (and multiple) O’s.

You are also getting a FREE BONUS: “Find Your Sexuality Type”.

You will learn what you need to experience maximus sexual satisfaction, and how to have best experiences with your partner.

This free bonus, along with a $100 DISCOUNT, is available until Sunday, so act now.


Kisses, babes 💋❤
You want a full body orgasm?
Then have a full body cry
Full body laugh
Full body sadness
Full body anger
Full body joy
Full body celebrationA full body orgasm isn’t something you achieve, it’s not something you do or move towards.
It’s something you DROP into.

The key is to let go and surrender.
And let the energy take you.

If you struggle with letting go of control in your daily life, you will find it difficult to reach a full body orgasm.

Notice where in your life you try to control things?
When do you tense your body?
Where do you try to be right, impose your views or stick to your way as the only way?
Are you able to receive feedback and change your direction?
Can you dance without worrying if you look good?

Let go…

A little bit more.

And a bit more…

And in this sweet surrender you’ll find the pleasure you haven’t known before.
Last weekend was amazing!We had over 80 men sign up for “Mastering The Art Of Non-EjacuIation”  workshop… 

…which is such a powerful sign of the massive shifts happening on this planet around our sexuaIity.

And until tomorrow, I got something special for you.

SexuaI Mastery, is my best-selling online course for men, guiding you through the 6-step process to master non-ejacuIation and open to full body orgasms.


www.MagdaKay.com/programs/mastery-relaunch/ (link also in bio)

I teach you powerful breath, mind & body techniques.

One of my students called these techniques more powerful than Wim Hoff!
And every single one felt buzzing & tingling in their body.
(I teach you some powerful stuff :P )

Plus, I have a whole bunch of free gifts for you! It’s like early Christmas :)

If you join SexuaI Mastery before the end of Tuesday (tomorrow!), you will also get:

"Find Your SexuaIity Type”

- Find out which of the 4 sexuaIity types you are & what you need to find full sexuaI satisfaction. It also serves as a great guidance for which non-ejacuIation techniques will be most efficient for you. 

“Sex Magic Rituals”

-Your step-by-step guide to holding your own sacred sex ritual. This is incredible to spice things up & add sacredness to your love life. You will also learn how to channel your powerful sexuaI energy into your projects and goals (one of the great benefits of non-ejacuIation)

PLUS: You’re getting $100 OFF

Remember, this special offer expires tomorrow at midnight, so act now.

Want to go deeper? I have 4 spots left for the VIP Access, that includes 3 private sessions with me. If you want my personal guidance on anything in your intimate life, then this is for you.

You’ll find all details at the bottom of this page: 


(link also in bio)

Many kisses 💋

dive deeper...

I got free goodies for you! My favourite in-depth videos on intimacy, relationships & sex.

My book turns 1 this month!
