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Magda Kay is an Intimacy Expert & Conscious Relating Coach for business owners, celebrities, singles & couples, determined to change their intimate life

Magda has over a decade of experience as a coach and mentor. She holds certificates from ThetaHealing Institute, Agama Tantra School, Sri Kali Tantra Yoga Ashram, Yoga Alliance and Malaysian Association of Yoga Instructors.

She studied with master teachers in India, Thailand, Malaysia, Nepal and Bali. Combined with own passion for human behavior and psychology, Magda offers a unique approach to help you open for more love and passion.

Magda has been featured on the cover of Glamour, Men’s Health, MindBodyGreen, The Huff Post, Well+Good, AskMen, YogaLife Magazine, Kinkly, SexTras, BestLife and London Daily News. She’s been a guest at multiple podcasts and radio shows, including VoiceAmerica Health, Last First Date Radio Interview, UK Health Radio Show, Oneness TV, Sexology podcast, and many more.

She has spoken at many international events, including Women Economic Forum, Oneness Festival, Murfest, One World Tantra Festival, Ecstatica, Stockholm Tantra Festival and Umaversity.

She’s been awarded "Woman of the year" by Women Economic Forum, CREA Global Award and is a winner of The European Public Speaking Competition by Junior Chamber International (under United Nations), where she was also a trainer for many years.

She collaborated with business organisations, such as Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO), and was a guest and keynote speaker at many international business events, such as Digital Marketing Europe Conference, Digital Marketing Skill Share or InOrbit.

Magda is a No 1 best-selling author of ‘No More Faking It: A woman’s guide to getting the love, pleasure and fulfillment she deeply desires’, published in 2023.

Magda supports and mentors VIPs, business-owners, CEOs, celebrities, young parents, single men or women, married couples, and anyone who is ready to change the trajectory of their intimate life.

Magda will help you eliminate limiting unconscious beliefs keeping you away from the love and life you desire. She will help you release old stories, disappointments and pain from your body, and help you shift towards an optimistic and light outlook - the kind of energy that works like magnet for love. She will also help you open your energy so you can start effortlessly attract the kind of love you desire.
Her clients experience deep shift in how they feel, how much love they experience of a daily basis, they find the right partner after years of searching, and are finally able to create and enjoy healthy, passionate and solid relationship.

Magda uses a variety of tools in her work, including belief reprogramming, breathwork, meditation, visualisation, Tantric rituals, and more. Her work combines principles of psychology with Tantra and Easter energy practices, offering a unique on the market approach, that works faster and on a deeper level than traditional coaching.

My own journey of healing has brought me to discover Yoga, Tantra, Theta healing, energy work and reprogramming of subconscious programs. I finally started releasing layers of social conditioning around what it means to be a woman, and how to relate to others, allowing my true, wild and passionate self to come out.

I believe in enjoying the world - in a  healthy way. With my work, and my own life, I promote the path of self-love, self-acceptance and deeper, intimate connections with yourself, with life and with others.

I feel truly blessed to work with men and women from around the world helping them to shed the old, heavy layers, so that their wild, playful and happy true inner selves can come out. The transformation I witness in my clients is my secret recipe for happiness :)

Trainings & certifications

Hatha yoga
Tantra Yoga
Advanced Theta Healing
Crystal Healing
Tibetan Singing Bowls Therapy
Social psychology
Intuitive reading

a few fun facts about me

I am obsessively in love with sharks. Until today seeing great whites remains my #1 life experience.

I am a diver (what other way to see all those sharkies!). I love being under water, it's one of those places where I feel perfectly calm and dissolved into life.

I have 3 tattoos. They are all small and subtle. And I'm so tempted to get another one...

Curious about my accent? I'm Polish and my accent has some Italian in it too. I used to live in Milan and am fluent in it.

Though I am subtle and often shy, there is a lot of fire in me. And that fire loves snowboarding or motorcycles. I love adventure and I try to keep an active lifestyle.

I have that thing... if I ever drink champagne, I always drop a few berries into my glass.

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