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I help Men

- reconnect with their primal masculine energy

- step up as a King, take leadership of their life and their relationship

- overcome PE and ED

- understand women (their mind & body) so they can keep their woman happy and in return enjoy great sex life & relationship

- master ejaculation control & reach full body orgasms

- heal mother-son dynamic so they can experience harmonious and mutually-beneficial relationships with women

"I have been curious about Tantra but didn't know how to get started. Then I met Magda through a friend and decided to give it a try (despite feeling still rather uncomfortable about the whole thing). We worked privately with Magda, and it was beyond what I could have expected. Magda showed me a whole new approach to sex and how to enjoy intimacy with my partner outside of the bedroom. I always though it's something women wanted, but I couldn't find pleasure in it myself. But then we did a few really fun exercises together that showed me a whole new side to sexuality and pleasure. I've become a much more considerate lover and my partner's happiness is the best proof of that."

Derek - Australia


This isn’t your standard coaching. Yes, we talk, because it’s important to understand things and to get your mind on board, but you will also be guided through embodiment practices including movement, breath & visualisation. To experience deep transformation we need to work on all levels: mind, body and energy.

My coaching is individually tailored to your needs. During your free consultation we explore your unique desires, needs and wounds and I create a program that will be most beneficial to help you achieve your desires.

in-person sessions & bodywork

Meet with me in person and experience the power of Tantra and deeply held space hands-on.

These are fully practical sessions that include rituals, breathwork and movement.

I will hold the feminine pole so you can relax in your masculine and be fully seen and received in your full expression as a man.


Enjoy 1-on-1 attention in all-inclusive retreat only for you. It's a perfect break from your daily life and a chance to prioritize you. Every day you will experience the magic of Tantric practices and will be able to learn more about intimacy, energy practices and relating. Not only will you enjoy a very special holiday, it will deeply rewire your relationship to you body and own feelings. 


If you prefer diving into the field of sacred intimacy on your own and in the comfort of your home, we have a series of amazing home study courses available.

Female sexuality decoded

All you need to know to give your partner maximum pleasure

Sexual mastery


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