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I help couples

 - strengthen their bond and solidify their union

- reignite the spark & bring back passion

- move through conflict and resentment built over the years

- navigate separation or divorce

- drop deeper witch each other, explore sacred sexuality & tantra

- increase polarity between partners

- heal co-dependency, childhood wounds and get out of the child-parent dynamic between you and your partner

- step up into a power couple and truly embody the Queen-King dynamic   

"We used to be crazy about each other. Finding alone time was never an issue until the kids came. Now they come first. And so does the house and work. We started spending less and less time together. This is why we decided to work with Magda. We wanted to bring back that passion we had. With Magda's help we started taking time for each other, going on dates and appreciate one another. Having Magda keep us accountable allowed us to create new routine around our relationship, despite a strong urge to keep pushing it to the side. It is absolutely possible to enjoy passionate relationship even if you have family and work to keep you busy and Magda has been great and guiding us to this place. Thank you!"

Amy & Andre - France


This isn’t your standard coaching. Yes, we talk, because it’s important to understand things and to get your mind on board, but you will also be guided through embodiment practices including movement, breath & visualisation. To experience deep transformation we need to work on all levels: mind, body and energy.

My coaching is individually tailored to your needs. During your free consultation we explore your unique desires, needs and wounds and I create a program that will be most beneficial to help you achieve your desires.

"I thought maybe you could help us fix our sex life. Instead you opened us up to a whole new Universe"

Claudi and Andy have recently welcomed their baby boy. With this new addition to their family, they found themselves in new roles, trying to navigate being lovers and parents at the same time. Old stories about men/women got triggered, giving the opportunity to mend parts of their relationship and set new foundations for a long-lasting, passionate and sexy relationship.

in-person sessions & bodywork

Meet with me in person and experience the power of Tantra and deeply held space hands-on.

These are fully practical sessions that include rituals, massage, breathwork and movement.

I will guide you through practices that are designed to bring you and your partner closer. It is up t you how much you want me involved: I can be a guide, a witness, or I may participate.


Enjoy 1-on-1 attention in all-inclusive retreat only for you. It's a perfect break from your daily life and a chance to prioritize your relationship. Every day you will experience the magic of Tantric practices and will be able to learn more about intimacy, energy practices and relating. Not only will you enjoy a very special holiday together, it will help you release stuck emotions and open new opportunities for intimacy. 


If you prefer diving into the field of sacred intimacy on your own and in the comfort of your home, we have a series of amazing home study courses available inside our online membership platform, The School of Intimacy


All the skills, techniques & information to help you enjoy healthy love and passionate love-making in one place.

See what's included and explore membership options:

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