The Path Of The Jaguar
Hey love,
My name is Magda, and I will be your guide through this journey. I'm thrilled to welcome you to this program. It fills my whole being with so much joy to see men like you stepping up and claiming it all. I see you, as a teacher and as a woman. There is so much work to be done around the masculine and feminine relationship. Thank you for being a part of it. The Path Of The Jaguar will not only transform your personal life, it will also transform the people around you. Once you've completed all the 6 missions, you will inspire, attract and lift men and women in your life. I am so honored to join you on this path and witness you succeed.
With all my love,

Magda Kay,
Intimacy Coach & Tantra Initiatress
All 6 live zoom sessions with happen on Thursday:
MISSION 1: Thursday, July 22nd
MISSION 2: Thursday, July 29th
MISSION 3: Thursday, August 5th
MISSION 4: Thursday, August 12th
MISSION 5: Thursday, August 19th
MISSION 6: Thursday, August 26th
See your local timezone:
- Los Angeles (PT) - 9am
- New York (ET) - 12pm
- London/Lisbon (GMT+1) - 5pm
- Berlin (GMT+2) - 6pm
FB Group
Make sure to join our private FB group. All updates, homework & daily interaction will happen there.
The group is private so only members can see who is in the group and the content. This is to respect your privacy and give you a safe space to share yourself.
Please give us 24 hours to approve your request as we need to verify each person with the participants of the program.
Contact & Support
If you have any questions throughout the program, please contact us at
Your Missions
The Jaguar’s Inauguration: Into the Depths of Polarity
What is Masculine & Feminine Polarity really about?
Gaining a deep understanding of polarity is the groundwork for the Jaguar’s pursuit.
You’ll discover the vital importance it holds for you, your manhood, your life purpose and your relationships.
- Introduction: where are you from, what are you bringing into the container, what do you hope to receive and why now is the time for the change?
- Embodiment & Meditation to connect to the spirit of Jaguar
- Agreements
- What does it mean to be masculine and to be a man?
- Man's stages of development: knight, prince & king
- The qualities of a king
- The oppression of men and the new path for men claiming their rights
- How men are not given opportunities to be touched (and how touch is an important need)
Journal on the experience. What is your unique voice? What are you fighting for, what are you saying enought to, what are you demanding and asking for?
Vision quest: at any point during our journey, go to nature, at night. Spend minimum 1 hour (and if you want to take it all the way, the whole night). No phone, bookes, nothing. No food or drinks. Just you and nature, like a jaguar, reconnecting to your primar instincs.
Wound Mending Station: Healing the Relationship to the Feminine
Uncovering the wounds the Jaguar has been carrying is a key part of his path.
Wounds created in early childhood will be healed, shining a new light on the mother-son dynamic and unlocking a much deeper understanding of self.
When the broken link to the feminine is left unmended, it shows itself in sabotaging patterns within all your relationships with women. This is relevant but not exclusive to romantic relationships, and can even appear in the dynamics with your daughter, friends, employees, employers, and your own inner feminine.
- The wounds towards the feminine are created through: your intimate relationships (your lovers), culture and your mother
- Your relationship with your mother is the first, foundamental relationship towards the feminine.
- We repeat the dynamic of our relatonship to the mother because (1) it's what's familair and (2) the inner child hopes to heal the wound
- We did a meditation in which you explored both the good that your mother brought to your life, as well as the bad
- If the relationship to your mother was not healthy, it makes us strive for her affection. We can do it through: (1) pleasing women, trying to be good and co-dependency or (2) by pushing women away and punishing them
- There are many ways how a mother can inflict a wound in her son
- We did a practice of writing letters to your mother
- And embodiment exercise to release the energy & heal
Bring awareness to all and any interaction with your mother (whether it's a physical meeting, a call, a written message or a passing thought). What behavior do you see? What reaction do you have? In what way is it familiar?
Pursuit of the Golden Key: Decoding the Female Mystery
Here, we’re going to unlock the gates of confusion once and for all.
To many Jaguars, the woman is an enigma.
Does she seem chaotic? Illogical? Hysterical? Overly emotional?
You’ll discover that there is a pattern to her movements. Once you understand it, you’ll obtain the key to navigating her movement. This is something she actually longs for, as the masculine brings much desired order to the feminine flow.
- The feminine flows and moves, but without the anchor (the masculine) she gets lost, too chaotic and spills all over
- The masculine brings many gifts to a relationship: make sure you feel how special they are, that they are valued by your partner and that you don't impose them
- Women react to you. If you love her, see her and are present with her, she will open. But if you pull away, she will shut down or blow up. She can sense even a small change in your presence and her reaction is usually much stronger.
- Women are scared of being left and you withdrawing your love. When they feel it, they react and start a storm. If you pull away, you are confirming her biggest fear. Instead, bring her back by reconfirming you love her.
- Helping and saving is not the same. Pick your partner. While we all have wounds and a relationship can help heal them, we have to do our work and take responsibility for it. A broken bucket cannot be filled.
- If you need time for yourself to recharge, communicate that you're doing it so you can come back to your partner. When your needs are in opposition to each other, recondirm her you are a team.
In any conflict with a woman, dearmour her by confirming you love her to calm her nervous system, instead of pulling away. Observe how she reacts.
The Land of Light & Dark: Unveiling the Two Faces of Sexuality
On this part of the journey, the Jaguars will meet both the sacred and the primal lover within, and learn how to embody both. We will be fully exploring the tantalizing territory where sacred sex meets the inner animal; every woman’s (wet) dream.
- The conscious mind struggles to hold two opposite concepts in equal position, so it re-organizes them and creates a hierarchy (worse-better)
Light Energy: Gentle, soft, delicate, slow, a lot of body contact; sliding, embracing; devotional, sensual, intimate; water & air, feathers, gentle fabrics, silks, rose petals, essential oils, perfume; spiritual ; eye gazing; kissing, oral sex, slow thrusts
Dark Energy: Animalistic, primar; intense, full of energy, vitality, endurance, strong erection, strong thrusts, deep orgasms, taboo, dirty (ex. anal sex), kink, dominance; passion; natural smells, sweat, as mother nature made us; taking, alpha energy; little body contact, biting, scratching, slapping and spanking
- The light energy helps us enjoy life, feel pleasure and rest, but too much of it creates couch potatoes
- Dark energy gives us drive, sexual desire, libido, strong enercion, feeling alive, but too much creates assholes and bad boys
Re-read your intention & agreements from the 1st Mission (are you showing up the way you want to?)
- Consciously tap into light & dark energy this coming week; based on a specific situation activate one of of them
Crossing the Physical Plane: Embodiment of Tantric Sexuality
You’re going to gain a deep understanding of sexual energy, your own and hers. And you’ll get to unlock exactly what she wants and really craves from you; even her deepest, secret, unspoken desires.
Here, you’re going to learn how to connect past the physical plane. How to penetrate her body, mind and heart all at the same time, and fuck her into divinity.
You’re also going to learn to navigate your sexual energy in order to experience deep full body pleasure.
- We did an exercise with our hands to perceive your own energy
- Your energy is inside your physical body and spreads a bit beyond it. It has its own anatomy with energy channels and energy centers.
- The energy in a male and female body flows in the opposite direction. At the level of Root (perineum), our sex center, energy moves in the clockwise, masculine, emissive way in men. In women, the energy is receiving (counterclockwise).
- If you don't activate enough sexual energy, you will feel sluggish. If you do, but won't move it, you will feel frustrated.
- If the energy isn't activated or moved, it will lead to bad or ok sex (in which you don't feel fully satisfied, you don't crave closeness and may feel drained). Once you start moving beyond the physical body, your love making will feel much more fulfilling and energizing.
- We did a practice of activating and charging each chakra.
- Continue both practices witht he energy and notice how you will feel the energy more or less based on how you feel
Full Body Domination: Sexual Mastery
On this final, powerful step of the journey, the Jaguar will learn how to become the complete master of his body and his undisputable sexual energy.
You’re going to cross the borders into extraordinary sex by learning the art of non-ejaculation. You’ll also master how to last longer and unlock explosive full body orgasms, as well as multiple orgasms (yes, men can have them too).
- Self-mastery is an aspect of refined and strong masculine. A man who can prioritize, who is in control of his cravings, who can say no distractions and delay gratification for something bigger (and more important), is a sexy man, a focused man and a trustworthy man.
- Temptation is the feminine energy. It moves and seduces. The masculine is the lighthouse, standing strong between the storm.
- If you can master your sexuality, you truly do master yourself
- Sexual Mastery is about having control over your arousal and ejaculation. It allows you to choose to ejaculate or not and to choose when. That means you can last longer, allowing your partner to reach her pleasure, come together with her, and enjoy love making for longer. Through these practices you're conserving your life force energy, so you don't feel tired after sex, and have more energy, creativity and drive to work on your goals.
- Sexual mastery is about: feeling energy, moving energy and relaxing into energy.
- To feel energy - continue the practice we did before, rubbing your hands. Any form of breathwork, meditation, energy practice or yoga will help.
- To move energy - belly suction practice we do in this session is one of the most powerful.
- To relax into energy - practice relaxing, instead of tensing your body, when arousal builds up (you need this for energy orgasms).
- The belly suction technique from this mission is a powerful technique to move energy up. After a while of practicing you will have learnt a new skill, and the body will be automatically moving the energy up your body (instead of down with ejaculation).
- It also strengthens your fire.
- Continue the belly suction practice: 5-30 min, few times a week. You can take up a challenge of 30 days x 30 min
The Jaguar’s Integration
The fully embodied Jaguar is celebrated, ready to go after his desires fearlessly and to continue growing on his individual path.
- We looked back at all 6 missions and the main take aways
- Each of you shared your main insights & discoveries
- As well as specific actions you want to take based on those insights
Continue: here are ways how you can go deeper and expand your knowledge and experience.
- Sexual Mastery -
- Female Sexuality Decoded -
- Find Your Sexuality Type -
- Coaching with me -
All offerings for men:
- Post in FB group (until the end of this week) the actions you are committed to act on