Register For The Most Powerful Ritual for 2021:
Take back control
Join Us And Harness The Most Powerful Force On The Planet - Sexual Energy - To Make The Year 2021 Your Best Yet
Take part in one of the most powerful yet most hidden and secretive ceremonies on the planet:
Sex Magic Tantric Ritual
Stop wishing. Start embodying through pleasure.
A pillarstone in the exotic, intimate world of tantra, this ceremony is used for manifesting desires.

In the midst of a global pandemic that has touched the lives of every soul on Earth, you can turn things around for yourself.
Do you feel like in 2020 your life spiralled out of control?
You were told what you could and could not do. In a way unlike ever before.
Perhaps you lost your job.
Perhaps you lost your business.
Perhaps you lost your relationship or even your marriage.
The things you looked forward to the most - trips abroad, holidays and social events. Cancelled.
Until further notice. Over and over again.
Locked up.
Cooped up.
Shut inside the same four walls with the same people for days, weeks, months on end.
‘I can’t believe what’s happening. This feels like a movie”. I like watching movies. But I don’t want to be a character in this one.
This is cruel. They can’t do this to us anymore! When will it end? I just want things to go back to normal.
Does this sound familiar? If you are a human being living and breathing on Earth throughout 2020, I am guessing that it does.
2020 was a year of unparalleled hardship for billions - that’s right - BILLIONS of people across the globe.
Not a single life was left unscathed by the global pandemic. Even those who did not face lockdown were affected negatively in some way. This created a Universal energy field both stronger and more palpable than ever.
Billions of us have been residing in feelings of fear and chaos as control was stripped away from us.

What if I told you that there is a way to take back control and turn things around in 2021 for yourself?
There is another way of looking at the events that unfolded in 2020.
Do you feel that 2020 took from you? Maybe you lost your job, your business, your relationship or a lifestyle that you were accustomed and attached to.
Kali - Goddess of Time and Death - came in and ripped away from you in a drawn out, merciless series of snatches - everything that was no longer serving you.
As human beings we tend to get stuck in patterns, comfort zones and routines. We tightly control our immaculate world in order to feel safe and secure, even if deep down inside we feel bored and unfulfilled.
2020 came along and tore away every single ounce of that control.
2020 freed up space so that we - both the individual and collective ‘we’ - can rise up, take charge, and fill up the freshly created void with something new. Something better.
After all. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Don’t you want to make a change?
2020 has provided us with the perfect springboard. The perfect starting point - to start over.
What if you could attract:
- More money into your life. Like, a lot more money
- A soulmate partner or relationship
- A beautiful home
- Your ideal lifestyle
- Your dream job
- The business idea you have been sitting on for so long...
- What if all of these things could come to you naturally, without feeling the need to chase, slog and hustle?
Imagine how it would feel
- To never worry about money ever again
- To live in full alignment with your soul’s purpose
- To bring your dream business into full fruition with ease and grace
- To experience more pleasure, satisfaction and fulfilment in all areas of life
- To feel fully supported, loved and guided by the Spirit that lives inside each one of us
- To supercharge your body with excitement and pleasure, raising the vibrational frequency of every single cell in your body
On January 3 2021, a group of people will come together for an ancient ritual that makes all of the above, and more, completely possible.

About Magda Kay
I’m Magda Kay, and I would be honoured to guide YOU through one of the most transformative and energetically-charged ceremonies a person can experience - a sex magic ritual. I know this may sound crazy, scary and possibly a little bit unbelievable, but allow me to explain a little bit…
A sex magic ritual is nothing to be afraid of. It’s not an orgy. It’s not about intercourse.
A sex magic ritual simply calls upon sexual energy and sexual pleasure (which you either give to yourself or receive through others through touch) in order to utilise the Universal law of attraction.
Initiated by my teachers and gurus in the various ashrams and schools where I learned everything that I now know and practice about tantra, sex magic has been a secret weapon of my own for many years.
Witnessing the changes sex magic brough to my own life, I have guided several of my in-person, VIP clients through this unique and ancient ritual. It is not something I do regularly with people 1:1 as it is an intense energy exchange and a highly charged ceremony.
However, I have seen SO much transformation within these people and taken so much delight in seeing them grow and glow in the aftermath, that I have now decided to take the step of hosting a ritual online.
Here is what one of my VIP clients said
after being guided by me through sex magic ritual:

After everything that has happened this year and everything that is still happening, I believe the world needs this medicine now more than ever.
I know what it's like to feel trapped, caged, isolated and desperate. I left my partner in Thailand to fly home to Poland for a few weeks. I got stuck when borders closed overnight and ended up stranded for 8 months. It was one of the hardest periods of my entire life but through my beliefs and practices (including lots of sex magic!) I managed to turn it into the best thing that ever happened to me, and use this period as a cocooning period - a catalyst for huge change and expansion. I liberated myself from so much of unnecessary suffering and am now thriving.
I want YOU to be liberated in the same way.
I believe that living in accordance with your purpose and living a more abundant life is available to each and every person on Earth. I can’t promise that you’ll manifest millions or that all of your problems will fall away. I see this all too often from coaches working with the law of attraction/manifestation and it simply isn’t realistic. Life is not perfect and we will all encounter many difficulties throughout our lives, in some form of another.
At the same time, I DO believe that you are not meant to live a life of extreme hardship or lack. You are not meant to suffer and then remain stuck in that suffering. Suffering is part of life and we all go through it from time to time. It has its value and it often teaches us our biggest lessons.
This is where manifestation comes in. Through manifestation and particularly the kind we work with in a sex magic ceremony, we are setting ourselves up for something better - something good - to come. By first setting an intention, second using visualisation and finally charging that intention with targeted sexual energy, you are raising your vibrational field. You are feeling in the very cells of your body the way that you would feel if your intention happened. And that is how we manifest.
Things can and will be better in the future. But it requires some action from you. The more energetically charged that action is, the better.
The best-selling book ‘The Secret’ has been flying off the shelves and into the hands of people wanting to harness the law of attraction since 2006.
Unfortunately, other than for a select few, they have failed and remained stuck in their default paradigm.
One of the most valuable things I learned after I started studying tantra in depth more than 10 years ago was the power of sexual energy for manifestation.
Tantrikas and sages have been working with sexual energy for thousands of years. They were fully aware of the power it carried. For this reason they kept it hidden from the masses. They feared the things that ordinary people could do if they were to pass on this knowledge. They knew it had the power to bring forth the extraordinary and make the impossible, possible.
It's called ‘sex magic’ for a reason. It is incomprehensible to the Western, logical mind.
I have not only studied sex magic. I have used the power of sex magic myself to create my OWN dream life. I broke free of a constricting 9-5 (more like 8-7) and built my own successful business that I can and do operate from anywhere in the world.
Whenever I am launching a new program, online product or event - I use sex magic to charge the launch and guarantee it’s success. And it works. Every time.
Growing up in an Eastern European country that was previously part of the Soviet Union, I used to feel the need to constantly work, hustle and strive to make money and keep myself afloat. Now I have released my limiting beliefs (that were keeping me poorer) around money and abundance and am living a very free, rich and exhilarating life. A life I previously never would have thought possible for myself.
This is why I started giving sex magic rituals across the globe.
I want to help YOU do the same.
I am a woman. A feeling, caring being and an empath. There is nothing that warms my heart more than improving the lives of my clients and seeing them change, grow and transform.
Along with all of the suffering that 2020 brought, I also see a huge potential for everyone who suffered to liberate themselves and channel their suffering to build something positive. I see potential for people to stop mourning what they lost in 2020 and start admiring what they are building in 2021!
Through joining this ritual - passed down to us from the ancient mystery schools of the forgotten world - unlimited abundance and endless possibility is available TO YOU.
I really believe that you deserve it.
Don’t you want to join me?
What to expect during the ritual?
- We will come together to create a sacred container - a sealed vortex of our energy, the life force energy
- You will combine the experience of this life force energy with the power of intention in order to manifest and harness the law of attraction
- As a highly experienced guide and practitioner, I will hold the space and guide you through the process, step by step
- We will use sound, movement and breath to activate your own ability to manifest and charge your intention with the powerful Universal energy of love and desire
- By encouraging you to honor your own boundaries and keep your camera - and your clothes - on or off, you will feel fully comfortable at all times
- You can take this ritual as far as you want: from staying fully clothed to naked, from using the energy of joy to going all the way to self-pleasure. You are sovereign in this space.
This ritual will happen LIVE. There will be 2 ceremonies to cover ALL timezones.
CEREMONY #1 - January 2nd, 6pm-8pm (PST)
CEREMONY #2 - January 3rd, 1am-3am (PST)
- Los Angeles, CA/ PST - 6pm-8pm, Jan 2nd & 1am-3am, Jan 3rd
- Austin, TX - 8pm-10pm, Jan & 3am-5am, Jan 3rd
- New York, NY- 9pm-11pm, Jan 2nd & 4am-6am, Jan 3rd
- Vancouver - 6pm-8pm, Jan 2nd & 1am-3am, Jan 3rd
- Montreal/ Toronto - 9pm-11pm, Jan 2nd & 4am-6am, Jan 3rd
- Mexico City (Mexico) - 8pm-10pm, Jan 2nd & 3am-5am, Jan 3rd
- Lima (Peru) - 9pm-11pm, Jan 2nd & 4am-6am, Jan 3rd
- Buenos Aires (Argentina) - 11pm-1am, Jan 2nd & 6am-8am, Jan 3rd
- Sao Paolo/ Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)- 11pm-1am, Jan 2nd & 6am-8am, Jan 3rd
- London (UK) - 2am-4am, Jan 3rd & 9am-11am, Jan 3rd
- Berlin - 3am-5am, Jan 3rd & 10am-11am, Jan 3rd
- Thailand - 9am-11am, Jan 3rd & 4pm-6pm, Jan 3rd
- Bali - 10am-12pm, Jan 3rd & 5pm-7pm, Jan 3rd
- Kuala Lumpur - 10am-12pm, Jan 3rd & 5pm-7pm, Jan 3rd
- Hong Kong - 10am-12pm, Jan 3rd & 5pm-7pm, Jan 3rd
- Singapore - 10am-12pm, Jan 3rd & 5pm-7pm, Jan 3rd
- Perth - 10am-12pm, Jan 3rd & 5pm-7pm, Jan 3rd
- Sydney/ Melbourne - 1pm-3pm, Jan 3rd & 8pm-10pm, Jan 3rd
For other timezones visit:
Register For The Ritual
& Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet!
- 2-hour live online ritual personally guided by Magda Kay, harnessing your life force energy to manifest your dream life for 2021

When you click "Order Now" button you will be taken to PayPal check out
Once you register, you will receive an email from us with all the instructions on how to best prepare for the ritual & your private zoom link to join the ritual
Need assistance? Problems with your order? If you have any questions, send us an email to
Do I have to be naked? No. You can go as far as you want when it comes to removing your clothes, touching yourself and coming to orgasm. As explained above, you can keep your camera off to maintain absolute privacy
I have absolutely no idea how to prepare. Help? Don’t worry. I have designed this ritual so that even someone with no experience in tantra whatsoever can participate fully. Once registered, you will receive a series of emails with precise instructions on how to prepare.
I don’t feel comfortable being sexual during the ritual. Can I still take part and will it still work? Yes. You can remain fully clothed and use your life force energy instead. It will still be powerful!
What even is ‘sexual energy’?? Referred to the greeks as ‘Eros’, sexual energy is the energy that keeps life… living. The driving force for existence itself, sexual energy is what we use to accomplish our desires, to be creative, to make music, to sing, dance and make love. Sexual energy is the juiciness of life itself.
How does it work? We are using sexual energy to energetically charge your individual intention (what you want to attract into your life) with the most powerful force on the planet - eros. By setting your intention, sealing it with vibration and then getting out of the way and allowing the Universe to do its thing, magic happens. Trust me. ;)
How long will it take? Set aside two hours for the ritual. It’s powerful and intense, so you may need a little longer than this before diving into anything like work. Give yourself ample time to come back down to Earth afterwards.
I’m in a different time zone to you. Can I still attend? Yes. There will be one session for America/Asia/Australia and another dedicated one for Europe, so you can join live no matter where you live.
Why you should take part in this sex magic ritual
“New year. New start. New me!”
How many times have you said this but never actually reinvented yourself?
We often use the excuse “I’ll start tomorrow” to justify damaging behaviours. This is why people tend to eat badly on the weekend, promising themselves they will start the diet on Monday.
But a lot of the time, it never actually happens.
Through preparing for and taking part in this ritual, you can actually reinvent yourself.
You can finally draw a line under everything that happened in 2020 and start a new chapter. Say goodbye to the sorrows and hardships and hello to ease and states of flow.
In 2020, you probably felt a complete loss of control and power over your own life and your own destiny in the hands of the Government.
I can’t promise that lockdown restrictions will end or that you will be able to travel again, but I CAN promise you that you will start experiencing huge mindset shifts that push you into taking action towards pursuing your wildest of dreams.
You are probably hoping for 2021 to serve up something better than the sh*t show of 2020... Right?
So is the rest of the world (seriously!) - and this is exactly why we need to take advantage of such an energetically charged point in the existence of humanity.
By setting an intention and charging it with sexual energy, you will not only be raising your vibration, but the vibration of the whole planet - one intention at a time.
So, what are you waiting for? Click below to register for your place in the ritual for only $97. A small investment, especially when compared to the unlimited abundance and fulfilment that awaits you on the other side.
Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. Take back control. Manifest the life that you deserve.
Register For The Ritual
& Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet!
- 2-hour live online ritual personally guided by Magda Kay, harnessing your life force energy to manifest your dream life for 2021

When you click "Order Now" button you will be taken to PayPal check out
Once you register, you will receive an email from us with all the instructions on how to best prepare for the ritual & your private zoom link to join the ritual
Need assistance? Problems with your order? If you have any questions, send us an email to