Are you tired of getting friend-zoned?
You do everything right…
You behave like a gentleman
You show her respect
You listen to her attentively
You open up to her
You do everything women keep saying they want from men.
And then..some asshole gets her instead.
And you end up being the shoulder she cries on when he inevitably breaks her heart.
As her friend.
It’s frustrating.
And beyond that, it simply feels unfair.
I get it.
I see you.
And she will too.
Because I’m here to help you break this pattern:
As a woman I’m going to give you deep, unfiltered insights into the female mind, and the dynamics at play in your interactions with her. You’ll get to understand the patterns that lead you straight to the friend zone, and how to prevent it from ever happening again.
As an international Intimacy Teacher and Relationship Coach I’m going to give you a clear understanding of feminine and masculine energy and how the two interact. We’ll dive deep into the dynamics that set the groundwork for building the intimacy you want, with the partner you want.
As a Tantra specialist I’m going to give you the tools to harness and embody your own innate masculine energy that will empower you to fully take control of your life and your relationships, with unwavering confidence.
Free Masterclass for Men: "How To Stay Out of The Friend Zone"
RSVP below to join in this live & free event with Intimacy Coach for Men, Magda Kay
Monday, June 21st, 2021 || New York: 10am / Berlin: 4pm / Kuala Lumpur: 10pm
It’s not just you that’s confused.
The truth is that this pattern is confusing for women too.
We know that we need a man with integrity, a man who is kind, who can make us feel safe.
But somehow when we meet him, we’re not always sexually drawn to him.
We often wonder why we don’t feel attracted to him, when we know he’d be good for us.
Instead, we find ourselves falling for the typical “bad boy” that crosses our path.
We know from the very start that he’s going to hurt us, yet we can’t help obsessing over him.
And then we make the effort to either stay away or we decide to go ahead and play with fire.
Knowing quite well, that we’re going to get burned.
We obviously don’t want to get hurt.
We don’t want to keep making the same mistakes that are actually keeping us away from our ideal partner (because trust me, we know it’s not him).
We want - and need - a good, kind, respectful man.
But we still want to feel that special spark with him.
And we need the spark in order to connect; it’s how we’re wired.
After all, we all have primal urges.
This masterclass has been created to show you exactly how to activate those urges in her.
How to make her feel the spark, while letting her see that you’re a great partner at the same time.
To induce that deep desire from within her, while simultaneously making her feel safe.
Because to feel that raw sexual magnetism towards a kind man who isn’t going to treat us badly is what we, as women, really want.
In this free masterclass, you will:
- Decode exactly what it is about bad boys that women are attracted to
- Discover the main mistakes men make when approaching a woman which lands them in the friend zone
- Learn how to get past “like” by activating her primal sexual desire for you
- Understand how to fully express your desire for her, without scaring her off
- Be given the secret to complimenting her in the one way that will make her yearn to connect with you
- Master the art of merging the nice guy with the bad boy; her actual ideal man
WHEN? June 21st, 2021, Monday
NEW YORK / EST: 10am
PERTH: 10pm
*Replay will be available for 48 hours after the live masterclass
Free Masterclass for Men: "How To Stay Out of The Friend Zone"
RSVP below to join in this live & free event with Intimacy Coach for Men, Magda Kay
My work with men
As an internationally renowned intimacy coach, my work has led me to specialize in coaching men for over 6 years within my 10+ year career. I love the masculine. I constantly encounter men who want more out of their lives, their relationships, their careers but haven’t been given the tools to connect with themselves and go the extra mile they’re capable of.
Men are innate leaders, and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing hundreds of my clients transform completely, taking the reins of their lives and building lasting intimacy in their relationships.
Some of the transformations I’ve seen in my wonderful male clients:
A man struggling with crippling codependency >> to confidently setting clear boundaries with women, which allowed him to build a relationship in which his needs were respected and met.
Another fighting with his constant desire for other women and a fear that he would cheat on his wife and lose his family >> to becoming a master of his energy, channeling it into his marriage and his work, now leading a more focused and fulfilled life.
A man feeling like a complete failure because his marriage was ending >> to a fully empowered man who stepped into his leadership potential, increased his income dramatically and is now feeling more confident than ever before.
A number of men who were told they weren’t sensitive enough and who were disconnected from their emotions >> to finding the pleasure in slowing down and now enjoying a deep, intimate connection with their partner.

This masterclass plays live in:
Free Masterclass for Men: "How To Stay Out of The Friend Zone"
RSVP below to join in this live & free event with Intimacy Coach for Men, Magda Kay
Monday, June 21st, 2021 || New York: 10am / Berlin: 4pm / Kuala Lumpur: 10pm