Join us this Full Moon for
a Free & Live Webinar for Women:
"Friend or Foe: Healing Your Relationship With Your Body"
- Undo years of body-negative thinking patterns keeping you from your full potential
- Embody true, lasting confidence
- Reconnect to your cyclical nature, and harness your power as a woman
- Learn the inner language of your body
- Effortlessly align to the optimal weight for you
- Become the sovereign woman you came here to be
How old were you the last time you felt truly, completely free and comfortable in your skin?
I must have been around 6, running around clumsily on the beach, half naked, not a care in the world. I didn’t compare myself to the other little girls, I didn’t care what I was - or wasn’t - wearing, or if it was hiding my rather round little belly.
It wasn’t that much later in life that I began to wonder why I didn’t look like the girls in magazines or my favorite singers on MTV.
By the age of 15, I started fixating on my seemingly huge hips, and made it a point to keep them covered in “the right” clothing.
From confident and carefree, I suddenly became:
Not thin enough
Not pretty enough
Not “feminine” enough
As women, from a very young age, we’re conditioned to seek an unrealistic ideal of beauty and get raised with a warped view of what it is to be feminine.
All this, at a very sensitive time when we’re only just figuring out our own identity.
We adopt the ideal as our own even though it’s actually been created by a male dominated marketing economy.
Soon enough, we lose access to our inner voice and our own ideals.
And just like that, we have been severed from our natural connection with our body.
Left incomplete, with a profoundly deep wound we carry with us every day as a keepsake.
And thus begins the heartbreaking separation between your body and yourself.
A negative - almost abusive - relationship themed “you’re not good enough”.
And with nowhere to go - being literally attached to you - your body takes the verbal abuse day after day. Chances are, it’s been years.
And if it’s lucky, it stays at verbal abuse. But for many women, the relationship extends to physical abuse in the form of starvation, bingeing, excessive exercise, and a rollercoaster of restrictions.
Effectively, you’ve distanced yourself from your body by completely overriding its unique, individual needs.

I know it’s crazy to think you’ve separated from your own body. After all, you’re in it.
But let me ask you this: What would you do if you were trapped in an abusive relationship with nowhere to go?
Would you respond to every insult, or would you start closing up, shutting down, and maybe, even go numb after a while?
Would you want to do any favors at all for your abusive partner?
This is the very sad state of the relationship between the modern woman and her body.
Over a series of decades, the patriarchal system has made an enemy out of your own body.
And it’s making BANK from it.
The sad truth is, they are monetizing your insecurities.
And they’re pushing “one fits all” formulas onto you.
And chances are, you and your body have both been sick of it for a long time.
As a woman, you’re gifted with heightened intuition.
You know in your gut that you don’t fit one mold.
You know you’re here to embrace your individuality.
You know you were not given this body to bash it.
You know you have your own, unique shade of beauty and that you possess profound gifts to share with the world.
But the devastating reality is that the external voices of the modern world are deafening, pervasive, and near impossible to escape.
And they’ve left you with severe confusion, doubting your own inner truths.

Let me share this simple truth with you:
No matter how hard you work, it will never feel good enough.
Even when you push through an intense workout challenge, or follow a new nutrition plan and visibly see the results.
Yes, you will probably feel really good. But it still won’t quite feel good enough.
And it never will.
Not until you heal your relationship with your body and learn how to truly love it, inside and out.
See, all the relentless media messaging, all those deafening external voices that have been targeting you since day one…
They’ve effectively convinced you that there is a problem that needs your attention.
And then they effortlessly proceed to sell you the solution.
And if you’re looking for another external solution, I don’t have that for you.
I don’t have the “secret” to reaching your 2021 fitness goals and I definitely can’t give you the formula for shedding any remaining Christmas weight within the next week.
And I don’t want to.
What I do want, is to heal and erase your limiting beliefs about yourself and help you understand why you don’t actually need any of these formulas.
That you don’t need to fit anyone elses’ mold.
What I want is to enable you to fall in love with every ounce of your female body and honor it for the powerhouse it is.
And as a love and relationship coach with over 10 years of experience, I’m here to help you reconnect with your body and free it from the abuse it’s been patiently taking for all these painful years. I’m here to show you that there is no problem to solve in the first place.
And once you fully align with your true nature as a woman and actually open communication with your own body… it will naturally and effortlessly show you what it needs to reach its optimal weight, strength, size, health, balance.
And you will regain the ultimate power that it is to be you.
Webinar Highlights:
- Uncover the root of the troubled relationship you have with your body: Understanding the reason why this relationship is toxic, will enable you to target the core issue and release it.
- Give your body back its voice: Break free from manipulations and external beliefs placed on you throughout your life and allow your body to be the voice.
- Realign with your natural cyclical nature: Understand the magic of being a cyclical being (a woman!) and turn your “alleged” physical weaknesses into your greatest strengths.
- Identify the patterns that are holding you back from the ideal health and fitness levels for your body. You can effortlessly regulate everything from your appetite, to your weight, to your energy levels by learning how to tune in to your body’s unique needs.
- Learn a powerful technique for disconnecting from insecurities and reconnecting with the beauty of your body: Shake off external voices and body-negative thoughts, and get close with your fearless inner goddess.
- Tap into your unique feminine power: Unlock the superpowers you were never told you have, and experience lasting confidence and freedom.
This is how we’re going to transform:
I am right here, on this journey with you. And within a sacred container of like-minded sisters, we’re going to undergo a deep healing process together.
We’re going to fearlessly face our wounds and reconnect to our inner Venus; the unapologetic, confident, fiercely sensual inner goddess that has been there, waiting for us all along.
You will be introduced to the Venus Codes Freedom Formula, my immersive 4 step process for completely transforming your relationship with your body.
Experience a powerful technique to heal & release painful past conditioning, a gift from me to you that you can take with you into your daily life.
This is a valuable tool you will be able to use anytime you may find yourself vulnerable to external voices, or attacking your beautiful body again.
We are taking this monumental step towards our transformation at a very potent time, the Full Moon.
We are going to harness the magical energy of the Full Moon to plant the seeds of healing and transformation; shedding the limitations of old, past conditioning and setting our focus on the start of a new relationship with our body. Using the magnificent universal force, we’re going to embody the woman we came here to be, in her full power.
Fall in love completely with the divine experience of being a woman
Although I’m sure that, like me, you’ve been conditioned otherwise, there is no reason being a woman needs to be an inconvenience.
You can be strong in ways our beautiful men would never be able to be.
Allow me to tell you your secrets.
This webinar plays live in:
RSVP below to join this FREE & LIVE webinar for Women:
"Friend or Foe: Healing Your Relationship With Your Body"
WHEN: Full Moon on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
AUSTIN, TX: June 14th, Tuesday, 7am
NEW YORK: June 14th, Tuesday, 8am
LONDON: June 14th, Tuesday, 1pm
BERLIN: June 14th, Tuesday, 2pm
NEW DELHI: June 14th, Tuesday, 5.30pm
BANGKOK: June 14th, Tuesday, 7pm
BALI / SINGAPORE / KUALA LUMPUR: June 14th, Tuesday, 8am
PERTH: June 14th, Tuesday, 8pm
MELBOURNE/ SYDNEY: June 14th, Tuesday, 10pm
*Replay will be available for 48 hours after the live webinar
About Your Host, Magda Kay
Growing up, I was conditioned with a very specific definition of what it is to be feminine (something I now know to be completely untrue). In my case, this unfortunately resulted in not feeling completely comfortable and safe around other women. Over the years, I came to realize that when I faced the greatest heartbreaks and challenges of my life, it was always other women who gave me strength. When I was disconnected from my power, it was women who lifted me back up. Through my reconnection to sisterhood, my past wounds started healing very naturally, as I was supported to tap into my feminine power. It’s something I will be eternally grateful for. For this reason, I dedicate a large part of my work to helping women reconnect to their unique power. And as I have experienced firsthand - both through my work and my personal life - the undeniable magic that can take place when a sisterhood comes together, I cannot wait to commence this journey with you.

Magda Kay
International Intimacy Expert,
Tantra Teacher & Relationships Coach
I am a passionate Sensuality Coach and a Tantra Teacher with over 10 years of experience. I work with men, women and couples all over the world, teaching them how to be profoundly intimate, how to reignite their passion and how to open their bodies to deeper sensations and true pleasure.
I am trained in the ancient arts of Tantra Yoga and Sacred Sexuality. Today, this is my natural state of being, but it wasn't always like that. I used to struggle with orgasms and I lost more than one relationship over that. I have finally opened completely to orgasms. I have finally discovered my blissful nature and what worked for me was something I never even heard about. In fact, it was contrary to how we look at sex today.
I encounter so many women who still don't get fully satisfied. They long for a lover who will know how to adore and touch their body the way it needs and deserves. A lover who will know how to activate them. I want you to become that perfect lover for yourself.
Here are just some of the stories from
the Women like you who have worked with Magda:
I felt really shut down. My last relationship destroyed my self-esteem and I was scared to open up to another man. I was looking for a way to open my heart, but didn't know how. This is when I came across Magda's training. This was exactly what I needed. It was so refreshing to have an open conversation about intimacy and hear Magda share her personal story. I really didn't know that my own sexuality is so big, and that I am so sexual. I now feel connected to myself, and my body again. I am ready to fall in love again.
Lucille, France
Magda, thank you so much. I can't even describe what it did for me and my relationship. I will be forever grateful.
Agata, Poland
Magda, you are amazing! I loved it!! I literally sat glued to my computer and watched the entire episode like I was back at school!! I learnt a lot and find your way of explaining really easy to listen to and follow!!! xxx
Maria, Spain
Brilliant session Magda. So interesting. so much good information put together in such an easy and concise way to understand. I fully believe I can experience all these things you're talking about. And I’m finally ready to meet a guy to explore this stuff with! x
Maria, Spain
RSVP below to join this FREE & LIVE webinar for Women:
"Friend or Foe: Healing Your Relationship With Your Body"