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5.How To Hold a Ritual

Course Complete

A detailed guide to organizing a ritual

In this session you will explore the main steps to set a ritual for yourself or your partner. We are discussing the importance of attitude, setting the right container and preparation, and then the main steps to follow:

  • cleaning, cleansing and decorating the physical space and ourselves

  • opening meditation

  • transfiguration

  • intimacy

  • closing the space


PART 2. Sex Rituals

2. Why Rituals?

2. Why Rituals?

3. So Why Sex Rituals?

3. So Why Sex Rituals?

4. Planning The Ritual

4. Planning The Ritual

5.How To Hold a Ritual

5.How To Hold a Ritual

6. Sex Magic Ritual – Steps

6. Sex Magic Ritual – Steps

Course Complete