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How To Know If You're Ready For Sex

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How To Know If You're Ready For Sex


This training will help you:

Understand how the energy of another person can impact us and confuse us about what we feel
Discover 4 centers in your body that can help you understand your inner truth
And how to use them to be able to make this important decision in full alignment

Magda, this was so eye-opening! Oh my god, it makes so much sense. You're right, I said yes many times even though I didn't want to have sex, but I didn't trust my inner feeling, I love the system you shared. I will use it from now on. Thank you so much for this training!"


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From Anger To Orgasm


"From Anger To Orgasm: Learn how to channel any emotion into orgasmic ecstasy" - 2-hour video training

Normal price $111, only on this page: $49

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